Energy Healing Through the Body’s Electrical Blueprint

I feel a supernatural difference in my back pain. It’s way less now.
— M.B.

This subtle-yet-potent energy healing technique applies light and sound within the Electrical Schematic of the Body, attuning the body’s nonphysical energies to prompt the body’s own healing and balancing.*

How It Works

While holding a conscious intention of optimal wellbeing, the practitioner visualizes geometric shapes of light superimposed over areas of the client (according to a system mapped out by creator Paul Mychaluk, DC), then infuses the shapes with a series of visualized colors. Simultaneously, the practitioner produces an inner sound that evokes Universal Energy (a higher form of energy that sustains all forms of life) to create an environment conducive to the body’s own natural healing.

Calling the Body into Optimal Health

The Electrical Matrix is intended to awaken the body’s innate healing rather than forcing any particular change. Each matrix (visualized geometric shape) serves to “remind” the body that it can experience a more optimal state of health in a particular area, calling on the body to move into greater balance and wellbeing. Rather than influencing the physical body directly, this technique works with the nonphysical electrical (subtle energy) system that supports the body and can influence it directly. During a session, the practitioner will engage whichever matrices she evaluates as beneficial at that time. Benefits can include healing, balancing of organs and body systems, improved function, pain relief, reduction of inflammation, a more profound peace within the body, and a greater sense of wellbeing.*

Who Might Benefit from The ElectriCal Matrix

This versatile energy technique can provide healing benefits in the context a wide range of health problems. An individual matrix is available to engage with the nonphysical levels associated with most systems and areas of the body, including the following:*

Adrenals (including stress)
Pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus
TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
Men’s health & prostate
Women’s health & uterus
Resolving cell-level memory of past injuries
Self-armoring (resolve locked-in imbalances)
Chakras & energy balancing
General balance and wellbeing

Gall bladder
Spleen (including blood cell production)
Lung & bronchi
Glucose regulation
Joints (including spine)
Skeleton (neck, ribs, shoulders)
Trigger points

Further Information

Explore Bengston Energy Healing Method®

* Results vary from case to case; improvement may not be experienced in every case; Nancy is not a psychologist or medical professional—see Terms of Agreement

My energy has been stronger and better ever since our session.
— B.C.