The Holy Hug
Dream Description From Client
Describe your dream.
I was standing on the side of a canal. A boat is pulling away and I am standing there waving to the Dalai Lama. He just smiles. A woman runs up in an orange jumpsuit. She has been in prison for a long time for her belief in the Dalai Lama. She tries to talk to him but he does not hear, and I try to tell him also, this woman has endured great suffering for her belief in you. He falls ill, and the boat is pulled in to the side and he is taken away in an ambulance very ill. The woman wanders off in a daze and I fall to my knees in tears. A man, very black but dressed in a white robe-like dress and a white hat that is somewhat like a religious man would wear, comes up to me and takes me in his arms, and as I sob tells me it will be ok and kisses my head. He takes me to a wall and sits with me holding me.
Describe what you were feeling during the dream and when you awoke after the dream. Include emotions as well as any physical sensations.
First awe at seeing the Dalai Lama, then frustration that this woman could not be heard. Then extreme sadness. The holding from the black holy man, I could feel him with my hands and my face. The hug felt real during the dream and upon waking.
Describe any objects or other elements in the dream that seemed important or stood out.
The colour of the sky, was dusk with orange hues.
Do you think the dream is related to events or situations in your life? If so, describe how.
I am just hoping you can shed some light on this dream. It is still with me - the feelings, the tactile parts - even now the next evening.
This dream contains a lot of symbolism of endings or change. The Dalai Lama leaving on a boat, the woman having just ended her prison sentence, the Dalai Lama then getting sick and leaving, and the dusk are all symbols of endings, change, and/or the end of a phase and beginning of a new one. There are also strong spiritual undertones in the dream. So, consider how perhaps you may be going through a change in your spiritual life - perhaps ending one phase and beginning another. In the dream, this could be showing up as the Dalai Lama being "replaced" by the man in the black robe, who comforted you.
This dream may represent something that has happened in your real life, so consider what in your real life has parallels with the events in the dream at the most basic level:
Connection with Spirit/God (Dalai Lama)
Miscommunication with Spirit/God regarding someone else (the ex-prisoner) - perhaps represents you having prayed for someone, and that person becoming free of what was limiting them
Spirit/God not being available in the same way (Dalai Lama getting sick and leaving)
Spirit/God and spiritual support becoming available through another source (black man in white robe)
Consider whether these events may be portraying a process you've gone through or are going through in your waking life. The dream could have a message something like: even if spiritual support seems unavailable in the same way or from the same source(s) as before (represented by Dalai Lama) - it is still available to you, just in other ways or from other sources (represented by the black man).
Feedback from Client
Thank you for your prompt and detailed interpretation or my dream. I have been looking for someone who could fill the gap in interpreting dreams for some time...I do not have these intense dreams often but when I do they stay with me for a long time. Not sure they ever go...Thank you again...I am sure I will be back in the future with more dreams.
(This dream interpretation is shared with permission of the client.)